Mr. L
2/20/2013 05:09:23 am

Here is where you leave a comment on any of my blog post.

Angelyna Rivera-Cantrell
2/25/2013 09:13:37 am

The main reason why Olaudah Equiano didn't return to Benin, after he was free, as said in the exerpt, Equiano and his sister were taken by traders and split up. He was betrayed and didn't want to go back to the place where his worst memory had occurred. Being put back in the place where he had been captured and sent to the slaveship would make it hard for him to start over again as a free man as he would be constantly reminded of that day. In the experts it says that he would be willingly trade places with one of the slaves in Africa, that is how terrible the thought of being on the slaveship is. No one would want to return to a place where their life had no longer belong to them, a place where the beginning of the worst had started.

Andrew DeLucas
2/25/2013 09:45:26 am

One reason why Olaudah Equiano didn't return to Africa, as said in the 1st paragraph of the paper, Equiano and his sister were taken by traders and split up. He was betrayed and didn't want to go back and remember that faithful day. Olaudah was freed a few years after being bought by an American, and taken to Virgina in 1766.

Ana Richards
2/26/2013 12:37:51 pm

Good thoughts!

Nicollette Arce
2/25/2013 11:14:56 am

Olaudah Equiano didn't go back to Benin because he and his sister were separated as children as they were being sold as slaves. A second reason of Olaudah not going back to Benin is that he could have been sold as a slave again. Moving to Great Britain could have had better opportunities for him since it was a place that strongly opposed slavery.

Nicollette Arce
2/25/2013 11:24:39 am

(sorry i wasn't done)
Lastly, Olaudah might have not want to go back to Benin because he probably didn't want to be living in the conditions he did when he was a child. Also he might have not wanted to learn the art of a warrior and the tradition of the culture.

Yazmin Orduno
2/25/2013 11:18:06 am

The reason that Olaudah Equiano didn't move back to Benin was in the second paragraph where he states that the voyage was horrifying and for the people who were enslaved was terror and brutality. I'm pretty sure he didn't want his family to suffer the way he did. Olaudah didn't want his family to separated and auctioned for some other family. He had a much better life where he was where he wouldn't need to hide.

Stacy Pittman
2/26/2013 08:05:14 am

After reading the handout about Olaudah Equiano, I feel the main reason he didn’t want to return to Benin is it was still a pro slavery country. The handout states that he moved to Britain where they are against slavery. In Britain, he was able to get a good job as a barber and servant. He had a better chance of having a better life in Britain than in Benin. Also, in Britain, he could join an antislavery movement and help fight to end it. He knows how bad life as a slave was. The least he could do is try to help his fellow slaves by trying to put a stop to it.

Julianne Fortune
2/26/2013 09:44:11 am

After reading the handout, I believe That Olaudah Equiano did not return to Benin because of a very ingenious reason. In paragraph three it states how he was able to buy his way to freedom then join an antislavery movement. Maybe he wanted to stay in Great Britain so he can have a say about anti slavery and participate in a way to rid of the violence and death of innocent people.

Ana Richards
2/26/2013 12:37:20 pm

Ingenious comment!

Ana Richards
2/26/2013 12:36:36 pm

After Olaudah Equiano was freed, the main reason why he did not return to Benin because he had hope that he could pave a way for himself in Great Britain and help petition against the use of slaves. Great Britain already had a sizable portion of people against slavery, so Equiano would be safer while opposing slave trade/use. Safety in numbers is what I'm trying to say. Although Equiano was not necessarily treated as an equal, he had much more control of his freedom and safety in Great Britain rather than being fearful Benin.

Kristine Davis
2/26/2013 01:31:27 pm

After reading the handout, I believe that Olaudah Equiano didn't go back to Benin because he wanted to go somewhere where they were against slavery. It states in paragraph three that he went to Great Britain and joined an antislavery group. That says to me that wanted to go somewhere where he knew that he could be a voice for the other people that are being enslaved.

Taylor Thielman
2/26/2013 11:07:31 pm

After Olaudah Equiano was freed, he had the opportunity to go back to where he was born and raised but he went to Britain instead. I believe this is because of the strong anti-slavery movement there. After going through so many hardships because of slavery, he wanted to go somewhere where he knew he could help. He didn't want any more families to suffer like his did.

4/16/2013 12:29:22 pm

I'm pretty sure he didn't want his family to suffer the way he did


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